People came from far and near to hear the famous violinist . 人们从四面八方赶来听这位著名小提琴家的演奏。
People came from far and near to attend his lecture 人们从四面八方赶来参加他的讲座。
Villagers from far and near came to know him by the name of the cowherd 因此人们都把这个男孩子叫做"牛郎" 。
We welcome guests from far and near to join us in the 2008 olympics 我们欢迎五湖四海的朋友与我们一同参与2008年奥运会。
It was said to be in labor , and multitudes flocked together , from far and near , to see what it would produce 人群从四面八方聚集起来,观看大山会生出什么后代。
People came from far and near to attend the lecture and the hall was packed both inside and outside 讲经当晚踊跃的人潮无视下雨,仍由四方八面赶来听经,会场内外皆爆满。
Beijing xijiao hotel attract guests from far and near for its elegant green courtyard - style environment , complete conference , commerce and recreation facilities and also the professional and circumspect star level service 北京西郊宾馆毗邻有北京矽谷之称的中关村高科技园区,清华大学北京大学北京语言大学等十余所高校林立周边。
Although japan is known for its slavish devotion to all things cute and cuddly , teddy bear fans and sellers have gathered from far and near , including some from the united states , europe , singapore and new zealand 尽管日本人素来以喜爱样子可爱的抱抱玩具而著称,但是此次展销会上如云的顾客和参展者中还有众多来自世界其他地区的泰迪迷,有美国人、欧洲人、新加坡人,还有新西兰人。
Delicious seafood and sichuan & guangdong dishes cooked by famous chefs can fully satisfy the taste of vistors coming from far and near and snacks with local characteristics will make you reluctant to leave the place , which has a lasting flavour of yunnan and gui zhou plateau 名厨主理食坊,生猛海鲜,川粤大菜,能尽情地满足八方来客的口味,地方特色小吃更使您流连往返,久久回荡着乌蒙特色风味。